Since 1915, these adult volunteers have been serving the children of the world through fundraising and hands-on service projects. Kiwanis created its family of sponsored leadership clubs to help people of all ages develop the heart to serve, answer the call to lead and accept the courage to engage. By working together, we can become an force for good in the world for children and communities.
Kids are curious, lovable and hilarious. They are also wild, impatient and vulnerable. Kiwanis is looking out for kids in every corner of the globe with more than 550,000 volunteers who serve their communities through local clubs.
Through Kiwanis I have the opportunity to be a part of the big picture, positively affecting many lives in small ways.
– Joanne F.
Kiwanis Club of Long Island, New York, USA

Curabitur dignissim fermentum nulla –
Nam mattis quis –
Nulla rutrum placerat arcu. Nulla sed accumsan lacus, vitae bibendum ex. Nam sit amet magna a lectus tempor elementum. Aliquam velit sapien, aliquet id tristique vel, congue vitae leo. Aenean at lobortis eros.
Curabitur dignissim fermentum nulla, vulputate auctor dui viverra eu. Sed libero urna, tristique ac quam sed, imperdiet placerat lectus. Integer ut dui et urna bibendum ultrices ut egestas diam. Nulla egestas mi eget turpis tincidunt dignissim. Sed eleifend pretium porta. Nam molestie luctus eros quis aliquet.
Nulla rutrum placerat arcu. Nulla sed accumsan lacus, vitae bibendum ex. Nam sit amet magna a lectus tempor elementum. Aliquam velit sapien, aliquet id tristique vel, congue vitae leo.